FACE Programs & Services
In DPS, schools have Collaborative School Committees (CSCs) to enhance student achievement, parent engagement and positive school culture through collaboration. CSCs are also known as School Accountability Committees (SACs) in other districts and in charter and innovation schools.
Take the new "Intro to CSCs" Course below to learn more!
"Intro to CSCs" in other languages:
Spanish: Comités Escolares de Colaboración
Amharic: የትምህርት ቤት ትብብር ኮሚቴዎች
Arabic: اللجان المدرسية التعاونية
Chinese: 协作型学校委员会
Nepali: सहकार्यात्मक विद्यालय समितिहरू
Vietnamese: Ủy ban Hợp tác Học đường
The Collaborative School Committee (CSC) brings together families, staff and community members to create and implement a plan to promote high achievement within a school. This advisory committee meets at least quarterly during the school year and works with school leaders to provide feedback and recommendations on important school decisions. These recommendations may include ways to improve academic performance, budget priorities, and the school’s program.
CSCs include the following representatives:
Principal or Principal’s designee
3 or more parents
1 teacher
1 adult member of the school recognized organization
1 community member
Optional: Classified employee
Optional: Students at Middle School and High School levels
CSCs are governed by federal, state, and district policy. Colorado law requires all schools to have CSCs to increase the amount of accountability and parent involvement in our schools.
Building Effective Collaborative School Committees
CSC Membership Graphic
These short videos are available to share a brief introduction to CSCs with your school community: